Founded in 1983, the association is powered solely by parents volunteers
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published on
17 February 2023

Throwback to the Course de l’Escalade: a real love story with Florimont!

Florimont ranking 2nd best school!

The high participation rate and the incredible performances of our students made Florimont reaching the 2nd place in the school ranking. We would like to thank Mr Waroquier’s team, and especially Mr Vincent who organised additional training sessions for our students over the lunch break.

Award ceremony

During the Marmite celebration on December 7th, the two best performers in the girl and boy categories received their well deserved trophy. The winners of this 44th edition of the race are: NOUREDDINE Tayma for the girls and MACKAY William for the boys.

The Serge Janin trophy was received by the class of 9e3, rewarding the highest participation rate to the school races. A round of applause to the DWORIANYN family and the DELPRAT family for winning the best costumes award, as well as to the GERMAK family who participated in a large variety of races and  ran the highest number of kilometers!

Thank you all!

This year success would not have been possible without the incredible help of our volunteers and the support of the school staff. A big thank you from APEF to all the sport instructors and the staff of the vie scolaire for their guidance, as well as the reception team and accounting department who guided us during the registration phase. We also thank Mr Rivoire who opened the doors of the Cercle de la Terrasse. We do not forget the parents and IB students who volunteered to make that event a great success. To all, a big THANK YOU!

Flashback on the training sessions 

Our first APEF training sessions for this year’s edition of the race would not have been possible without the precious help of our professional coaches Corentin, Sébastien and Edgard. A big thank you to them for their support and boost of energy! 
Since the best way to train is to never stop training, we encourage you to contact our coaches and practice on the training routes to beat our record next year!

Zoom sur Serge Janin

Ancien professeur d’Éducation Physique et Sportive à L’institut Florimont, entre 1974 et 2006, Serge Janin est à l’origine de nombreux temps forts sportifs de l’Institut, tel que:

Le cross annuel des primaires et la fête des sports, mais aussi la participation à la course de l’Escalade et aux tournois ADISR. Il a également mis en place une équipe de football corporatif composée des professeurs et éducateurs de l’Institut, participant encore de nos jours, au championnat interprofessionnel organisé par l’AGFC (Association Genevoise de Football Corporatif).

Grand sportif, Serge Janin était un athlète polyvalent, pratiquant le football, le tennis, le ski ainsi que la plongée sous-marine. Engagé dans les Pompiers de Paris, il a été champion olympique militaire de lutte mais son sport de prédilection a été le rugby qu’il a pratiqué durant de très nombreuses années.

Serge Janin était un battant, il a su transmettre sa passion du sport et ses valeurs, à ses élèves. La maladie a cependant été plus forte que lui et l’a emporté en 2012.




Welcome coffee for new parents in April 2025 | APEF conferences


Welcome coffee for new parents in May 2025 | The role of the Parent Class Delegate

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The APEF works on a voluntary basis for all the members of the office, the parent class delegates and the parents of pupils likely to bring their occasional or regular assistance to one or other of the activities of the APEF.

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Avenue du Petit-Lancy 37
1213 Petit-Lancy

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