Founded in 1983, the association is powered solely by parents volunteers
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Useful information

The APEF team is always on the lookout for good ideas to help our children’s development. We collect them in this section which is updated regularly.

Boxing/fitness classes

After 1 year of collaboration with coach Corentin, we will offer 45-minute boxing/fitness classes for parents of students from October.

These classes will take place on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am from October 2nd.

You will find all the information below:

  • Location: The classes will start initially in the gymnasium. In a second phase, a gym will have been specially set up for these classes.
  • Price: 300CHF for 10 classes
  • Reservations: Every Sunday evening via a survey sent to a new Whatsapp group "Bouger à Florimont". All you have to do is check "YES" to reserve your place.
  • Test session: The first session is free.
  • Sponsorship: One sponsored person = one free class.

PLEASE NOTE: as the number of places is limited (Max 10/parents/class), we advise you to register quickly.

If you would like more information or to be included in the Whatsapp group “Bouger à Florimont”, do not hesitate to contact Corentin directly by email (corentinbardgenoud@gmail.com) or by phone at +41 787 95 96 30. He will be happy to answer all your questions.

Teenstar course for young people

You are parents and...

  • You find it difficult to talk about love and sexuality with your teenagers
  • You are worried about the impact of pornography on them
  • You want to increase your child's self-esteem
  • You want him to build his emotionality on solid foundations
  • You are looking for a trustworthy framework so that he can discuss these subjects

TeenSTAR supports your young people, while promoting parent/child dialogue!
Through a course of a dozen sessions, TeenSTAR offers non-mixed groups of middle school students the opportunity to discover and understand the beauty of the body and human relationships. In a structured setting, accompanied by a facilitator trained in TeenSTAR pedagogy, young people are invited to marvel at love, sexuality and friendship.

This pedagogy developed in the United States by Doctor Hanna Klaus, and now distributed throughout the world (since 2014 in Geneva), awakens the critical sense of young people, allows them to make free and responsible choices and gives them keys to build their adult life.

Information and registrations 2023/2024 at geneve@teenstar.ch

Parent-child workshops

Share a moment with your child to discover, imagine, create, awaken their senses and become independent.

Workshops for toddlers from 10 months to 5 years

Workshops offered:

  • Create your sensory bottles and leave with them
  • Sensory discovery (barefoot course, sensory mats, etc.) • Independent workshops (Montessori style)
  • Baby Sign (coming soon)

Help your children find their career path

Richard Raemy helps teenagers highlight their interests using the STRONG tool.

• Preferential rate for students at the Florimont Institute.

Information & contact
> +41 78 618 6844


SAT Exam

What is the SAT? Which universities require it? Which universities accept it?

How can you best prepare for the SAT exam? To answer all these questions, contact Bespoke Education, Florimont's partner for SAT preparation.

Bespoke also has an academic tutoring service tailored to the needs of each student.

Support and Promote Youth Philanthropy

Philantropic Adventures: A great workshop for students to take action for a cause and get a better understanding of what philanthropy is.

Private FLE (French as a Foreign Language) courses

Fanny GIRAULT, parent of students, DAEFLE training, French Alliance & CNED, offers private FLE courses for teenagers or adults, all levels.

Tél. / WhatsApp : +33 6 11 23 64 18

Public speaking coaching

Your children's oral exams and entrance exams are on the horizon, put all the chances on your side.

Catherine, a qualified public speaking coach for teenagers, offers to help your children prepare for their oral exams and give them the confidence they need to succeed in this test.

Preferential rate for students at the Florimont Institute.

Information & contact

Catherine Mugnier-Jacob

Living Christmas tree that returns to nature

Decorate your home with a beautiful tree that after the holidays will return to the ground with its loved ones.

Information & contact
> www.ecosapin.ch



Welcome coffee for new parents in April 2025 | APEF conferences


Welcome coffee for new parents in May 2025 | The role of the Parent Class Delegate

You need the APEF

the APEF needs you!

Join the APEF association and contribute to the well-being of your children! Your support - financial and/or voluntary - will enable APEF to develop and implement projects to benefit the Florimont families.
I support the APEF...

Charity support


The APEF is committed to charitable projects that integrate social responsibility into students' education and inspire them to make a positive contribution to the society around them.


The APEF works on a voluntary basis for all the members of the office, the parent class delegates and the parents of pupils likely to bring their occasional or regular assistance to one or other of the activities of the APEF.

Contact details

Avenue du Petit-Lancy 37
1213 Petit-Lancy

Follow us

secure payments
  • Français
  • English
copyright © 1983 – 2025 APEF | all rights reserved
Conception & Development:

FAQ Escalade Race

No worries, we have a solution!<br>Please send us the details of your registration to: floescalade@apef.ch and we will transfer everything after the official registration is closed, around mid november. You will receive an email confirmation then.

No, the Institut will not register the student to the race, parents are responsible to do so via the APEF website.

We receive a list of all active credit from the escalade association and will deduct it from your invoice.

All registration of a non Florimont individual will be charged to the family doing the registration. Nonetheless, we encourage you to limit it to the inner family.

Please do contact us as soon as possible at: floescalade@apef.ch with all the details and our volunteers will do their best to adjust it directly with the Escalade association.

From November onwards, a list of all registered runners will be published on our website and Pronote but also displayed on the primaire’s main gate, which will allow you to check regularly.

Submit your application

APEF undertakes not to divulge the data transmitted and to use them only within the framework of its activities within the Institute.
Engagement des parents Délégués

Join the parents club

APEF undertakes not to divulge the data transmitted and to use them only within the framework of its activities within the Institute.
Engagement Club des parents APEF