| founded in 1983, the association is powered solely by parents volunteers |

the Actions

The APEF carries out many activities throughout the year for the well-being of the students and Florimont families.

flo festive

The APEF organises or takes part in many festive events!

christmas market
christmas activities
boom des 7èmes
Terminales’ Prom
primary kermesse
Click here to find out more...

parents community

Communicating effectively with the school, welcoming new families or many other issues, find out how the APEF stands by the families.

Parents Class Rep
new parents welcome comittee
Staff appreciation (merci flo)
Click here to find out more...

go flo!

sports activities, charities, entrepreneurial projects: discover here the different initiatives designed to motivate the Florimont students.

Course de l’Escalade race
Charitable giving
Junior Entrepreneur
Click here to find out more...
Photo © Alexiane Orsi
Photo © Pierre Louis Migeon,  6th section student

beyond the classroom

APEF is very committed to the well-being of the students and is involved with the school in a variety of ways: extra-curricular activities, chaplaincy, orientation and more!

career guidance
anti bullying
extra-curricular activities
flo vert (flo goes green)
Click here to find out more...

the APEF with you and for you


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you need the APEF,the APEF needs you!

Join the APEF association and contribute to the well-being of your children! Your support - financial and/or voluntary - will enable APEF to develop and implement projects to benefit the Florimont families.

charity support


The APEF is committed to charitable projects that integrate social responsibility into students' education and inspire them to make a positive contribution to the society around them.
more about our partnership

the APEF

The APEF works on a voluntary basis for all the members of the office, the parent class delegates and the parents of pupils likely to bring their occasional or regular assistance to one or other of the activities of the APEF.

contact details

Avenue du Petit-Lancy 37
1213 Petit-Lancy

secure payments

Langue / Language
copyright © 1983 – 2024 APEF - all rights reserved
Conception & Development:
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